Sunday, December 11, 2011

Catching Some Rays

I came home from picking up a load of hay and saw Sam I Am and Serenity catching some rays after a long bout of rain. I thought this was really cute, so I ran in the house and got the camera before they had the chance to get up.

Sam I Am, is my Welsh type pony that was rescued from going to the auction barn in June of this year. He is the coolest pony ever. He helps me around the place as a draft animal when needed. Like pulling the dead tree out of the driveway in our last rainstorm. When he isn't used for work around the place he pulls my Pioneer fore cart down the road. He loves to buggie!

I saddled up Serenity for the first time since I've had her and she did great. I then started teaching her to stand next to a tree stump so that I am able to mount her out on trail without to much hassle. Being that she's tall and I'm short, it's easier for me to teach her to park next to something that I can stand on now rather than when I really need her to know this. Also, it's better for her back, not to put that much torque on her from the saddle twisting while I'm trying to get on.

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